

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The decision to go to back to school and possibly return to the days of room-sharing and eating ramen noodles or continue a job that may no longer be as exciting and thrilling as it once was is a dilemma lots of smart people face. How do we decide? Why can't there be some sort of guarantee that we'll be more satisfied with life if we change our lifestyle?

How can we tell if we really want a long term change or just a sabattical to allow us to explore some other interests for a few months? I think I'm not ready to completely give up my WR life but I am so  ready to try a radically different lifestyle for more than just a week or two vacation. i'd want it to be something along the lines of a  professional internship or contract job for 4 or 5 months in montreal or some other place but opportunities like that are hard to find, if possible at all. Then I could comeback here for awhile and then later maybe make a permanent change if I liked the temporary job. Eh. Or maybe a 1 year leave without pay while I get a graduate diploma in journalism from Concordia sounds fun... Or alternate semesters working here and studying for a master's in EE at concordia or mcgill. I wonder if that situation would be acceptable to my boss. Hmm.


  1. For most of the people there, I believe the attraction is that they can drive there in six hours or less and the very inexpensive lodging. It has also become a place where players with few masterpoints can garner some gold because of the many brackets in the KO events.

  2. i think you commented on the wrong post. (and i think that post is on the wrong blog)


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