

Friday, January 15, 2010

When it’s after 2am, just go to sleep

“In one night, I managed to hurt 2 people I cared about… and none of it would have happened if I had just listened to my mom. So I guess if there’s a lesson to be learned here, it’s this: when it’s after 2am, just go to sleep.”

Recently I started watching “How I met your Mother.” I know, it’s been on TV for 4 years but I hadn’t seen it until a couple of months ago. I loved the one half of an episode I saw so I added it to the list of shows to watch when I have free time again. In the past month I made it through season 1. While the tv show is hilarious and a little over the top, I can really identify with Ted, the main chartacter - a nice guy with a good stable job, who is eager to settle down with a woman but the women he is most attracted to are too involved with their careers to give him much of a chance, at least in season 1. And there are some good ugly truths about relationships that are presented. The quote above is one that sticks out in my head now, not intending to imply that I've been getting into trouble after 2am lately.

Partly due to the "How I met your mother" influence, my new confidence, and my new interest in making my voice heard, I may try too hard sometimes and try some things that are really too much. Doing grand gestures for someone – like buying her a computer or writing her a poem or singing her a song or driving 4 hours to visit her just so you can do her laundry and clean her bathroom and cook (not saying I've done those things, they're just examples) - is sort of an all or nothing thing. Either she really likes it or really hates it. I was kind of tired or people being pretty much apathetic toward me. I was tired of being apathetic myself. When you speak more freely and do unusual things, you’re bound to make more enemies and have more fights but you’re also bound to make more meaningful friendships. I made more enemies in 2009 than ever before, but I also made more real friends in 2009, and reconciled with more enemies in 2009 than ever before. That’s the new me. For now.

Flights to Europe in May are expensive now. If you happen to find a good deal on flights from Atlanta to Paris or Rome or Berlin near the end of May, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. how much is fiction and what part of this is real???


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