

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm on the way back home after 4 days at the marriott world center in Orlando for the fall national bridge tournament and I must say that I generally dislike Orlando, at least the overall layout of the Disney/touristy part where we were. And it mostly the same reasons I dislike Las Vegas - things are too spread out.

I like tall buildings and being able to walk to dinner and use public transportation. The Marriott is pretty much inaccessible without a car, I never noticed any taxis waiting outside the 2400 room hotel, and the parking lot was at least a ten minute walk from even the closest room. It is a very nice place to hang around and a great venue for a bridge tournament (or pretty much any convention). With things so spread out, traffic is surprisingly bad while in a more urban area, bad traffic is just expected but at least you can go out of the hotel to restaurants and stuff without having to get in a vehicle.

So, now I'm on the way back home where a car really is a necessity, although they are starting a bus service in to work. That still will require driving to the bus station and driving home afterward, thus increasing travel time by 20 minutes, so I'm not really a fan of this implementation of public transit.
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