

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Adventure

Friday evening I got an email from my favorite bridge partner that really surprised me. Of course, I was also surprised when he told me two years ago that he’s going to be in a play. I mean, I have the same kind of personality as him – kind of quiet and reserved. But he has loved being in plays for years, apparently.

The email was about a part in Traditions, a play at the Macon Little Theatre in less than a month. They need a person to play the role of Nevarre, supposedly a foreigner, and there were apparently no brown people that auditioned. I was flattered but I can’t sing or dance. At least that’s what I had been telling myself for years. The memorization and speaking in front of an audience shouldn’t be a problem, and the role seems to be very much like me in real life so there wouldn’t be much need to be someone different. So I said I would be interested as long as I don’t have any musical solos.

Meanwhile, I asked my parents and my best friend what they thought of this. My dad said I should jump on the opportunity and that I would do well. My mom and best friend were both doubtful that I could handle it. They didn’t say it in so many words but comments like “it’s worth a try” and “you’ll have to speak louder” and “your soft voice may hinder you” made it clear that they didn’t have much confidence in me. But what do they know? They’re only the 3 people in the world that know me the best.

Tonight, they decided that they would like my services and I am excited about this. It’s something new for me but something I am confident I can do well. Previously, I would have taken my parents’ and best friends words and said there’s no way I can do this if my best friends don’t even think I can. But this time, it’s just motivation for me to do well and prove that they’re wrong. Besides, I like new adventures and need the opportunity to meet more fascinating people. So, I start rehearsal tomorrow. More updates to come.

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