

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Bahamas for Christmas

I know I'll never get to have family Christmas traditions with my extended family just because we're all so far apart and it's hard to all get together. So my parents and I tend to go visit someone different each year. We used to go to my mom's brother and sister in Berlin every 2 or 3 winters but then we discovered that going to Berlin in the summer is more fun so it has been over 10 years since we've spent Christmas with them. And sometimes we go to my dad's sister's in Eastern Kentucky/Western Virginia but that can be a bad drive and my dad doesn't really like going. So lately, we've spend Christmas just at home with the 3 of us and then gone off to a bridge tournament in Charleston or Myrtle Beach right after Christmas.

This year will be a different adventure. We're going in a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas and I'm trying to get myself excited about it. I guess it'll be fun - it will be the first true vacation I've taken in a very long time - I mean, the first vacation in years that's not totally filled with a bridge tournament and/or lots of activities, but one where I could relax and sleep a lot. I'm mainly concerned that I'm going to be bored and won't find other 20-somethings to hang out with on the ship. But I bought another Albert Camus book - A Happy Death - that I intend to read. The Stranger by Camus is one of my absolute favorite books but I never ventured into any of his other books yet. I generally have too much other stuff going on to think about reading.

Anyway, last weekend I tested out my PUA (pick-up artist) skills at bars and night clubs in atlanta and found that they stink. Not that I was any good before at striking up a conversation and meeting girls at bars before, but I could hardly get a hello out despite all the recent new confidence I have gained (from the acting experience). So, I guess more than anything, I need to prepare my body to take it easy and just relax.

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