

Monday, August 3, 2009


At the young age of 24, I have traveled the world a great deal. By the time I was 15 I had been to 48 of the stated in the USA and over 20 countries. My country count is now around 30 and Alaska and Oregon are still left as the 2 states I have yet to visit. And I have lived in Georgia my whole life.

I'm starting this blog as a way to share some of my experiences, currently, as well as some of the more interesting adventures I have had in the past, from seeing the Berlin Wall shortly after it fell to going paragliding in Switzerland to visiting the coral beaches of the Philippines to the wineries in Napa, CA.

I've decided to write about my life experiences and relationship issues in an abstrct way as well, importing some old posts from my old xanga site to consolidate things. I have another blog, for those of you who want to read about bridge.

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